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Mission Statements!

At Helping Humans Foundation, we want to demonstrate the beauty of giving and caring for those who are less fortunate.  We wish to make a difference and help the needy the best we can both here and in Pakistan. Kindness costs nothing but it can give someone hope and bring some light in their desperate lives. We clothe those who cannot afford clothes and provide food for them so they do not go hungry. We owe much gratitude to the benevolence of the people for their donations have enabled us to give out warm clothes like jackets and blankets to many people. We also partake in food rations distribution and run a tandoor project where naan and roti are given to needy people. We sincerely value and respect every donation that comes our way no matter how small or big. We further wish to give clothes to homeless people.

We want to take Helping Humans Foundation to the next level and be the pioneers in feeding and clothing the destitute. We believe we have much work to do and many more to care for to truly fulfill our duty to care for less privileged. Pakistan has a 24.3% population living below the poverty line and we want to do all we can for the welfare of our people.

Our primacies right now are to give food and clothes to the shelters so we can relief the unfortunate souls stricken by life’s hardships and give them hope for the next day. Many people sleep on the roadside every night starving and have no one to look out for them. We want to be the ones that care for them. At Helping Humans, we seek to spread the act of giving so donate what you can and help us in caring for the poor.

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Together, Let’s Help Them

Feeding the poor is an act of kindness that is emphasized a lot in all religions.

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The differences you made!

Thanks to the people’s generosity, we have given out clothes, winter jackets, and blankets to hundreds of people. We have also been distributing food rations and running a tandoor project that cooks and distributes roti/naan among the poor people.

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